Ghar - meaning home in Hindi - is the culmination of over five years making images in my birthplace of Kavi Nagar, India.

I returned to Kavi Nagar when I was 21 years old.

I remember a feeling of discomfort; not knowing my place or who I was in that context. I began taking photos as an exercise in learning how to be Indian. It was a visual articulation of my curiosity,  responding to my surroundings whilst hovering around my family as they would move through the day.

Over the course of this 5 year journey of taking photographs, Ghar mapped my growing comfort and paved the way for a deeper connection with my family. What began as a response to my curiosity, soon transformed into a thorough visual record in pursuit of preserving intergenerational gestures and familial rituals that often live within the in-between moments that may otherwise pass undocumented.